250207 ALO - Tour D'Amour XVIII

The Center for the Arts

ALO is a lot of things. Put simply, it’s a rock band, a family, an artistic outlet, a community, a business. But that only scratches the surface of this 3O-year musical vision-quest. ALO is an adventure, it’s a Spring break road trip to Colorado, it’s an all-night drive from Salt Lake City to San Jose. It’s the comfort of hanging out with life-long friends, of relaxing on a couch and finding treasures hidden in its cushions. It’s a coffee table full of amazing books on art, philosophy and music. It feels old and new, fresh and classic. It holds tension and dreams and possibility in its folds. It hopes to unveil something magical, something unheard of, something the world needs. It smells of super burritos and vans full of lemons, old bongs and epic hikes. It’s a sound of growing up in the San Francisco Bay Area. It’s a sound of northern California, with sprinkles of Santa Barbara and Augusta, Georgia. It was born of childhood friendships, of shared destinies, of inside jokes and of a desire to make people happy. It’s not for everyone, although it tries to be. It wants you to love and share in its vision. It’s long and meandering, then suddenly sharp, abrupt! It’s feral and clever, and it means you no harm. It’s love and freedom, collected and catalogued, then released back into the wilds from whence it came, over and over again. It’s an orchestrated liberation of our animal soul.

Center for the Arts volunteers: Please remember to wear black or black and white clothes with closed-toe shoes. Please leave time to find street parking as our parking lot is for patrons only. If you're a new volunteer, please come 15 minutes early and ask for the House Manager so we can give you a quick orientation to your duties for the event. When you arrive at the Center (314 W. Main Street, Grass Valley) enter through the front lobby doors and check in at the volunteer table in the gallery.

250207 ALO - Tour D'Amour XVIII
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